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Surtees 700 Game Fisher Enclosed Review -

'Surtees bring a whole new level to the plate-aluminium boat industry.' - Find out why the Surtees 700 Game Fisher leaves its competition behind.

Built on the rugged Whakatane Coast in New Zealand, the Surtees bring a whole new level to the plate-aluminium boat industry. With the original water-ballasted keel for stability and an enclosed hardtop, the 700 Game Fisher Enclosed proved most pleasurable on a day where testing conditions rewarded weather protection.

There has been a great number of Surtees hit the water in Australia and New Zealand and many happy owners to go with that. The exceptional quality is well worth the money.

As this big 700 Game Fisher is an easy tow and launch, you’re getting a very capable boat for offshore work without too many on-road or ramp worries.

'Bottom line? This is a great combo, an ultimate plate-alloy boat, and I wouldn’t hesitate in owning one. And if it’s blowing 20—25 knots from the south, no worries, just drop it in.'

Click here to read the full review: Surtees 700 Game Fisher Enclosed